Top 6 tips for Parents to help their child prepare for Boards!

Board exams bring with them a lot of fear and anxiety not only to kids but to their parents as well! Below are 6 tips for PARENTS to help their child navigate the Board exam preparation process.

  1. PREPARE IN ADVANCE: The syllabus is known, topics in each subject is already covered by the teachers, all you need to do is start preparation early.If your child gets more time to prepare for each subject they get more time to reset their mind and deal with their stress too.
  2. SCHEDULE CHECK IN TIME: Focus on checking in on them on specific time, rather than constantly nagging them or getting after their life for preparation. Try to check in via messaging them rather than speaking to them face to face.
  3. SET UP PREP ZONE: Set up a comfortable, well-lit area and designate it for study. Parents have to provide this amenity and designate a specific area for Exam Preparation.
  4. EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF SCORING WELL: As a parent you must understand what your child expects out of exams and not what you expect out of them in terms of marks. Of course you should make them understand the importance of scoring well.
  5. GIVE THEM THEIR “ME” TIME: Exam preparation, especially for Board can be overwhelming. Many kids reset their mind by being on their MOBILE phones, grounding them totally for using their devices can stress them out too. Ensure they get their “ME” time too.
  6. TALK TO YOUR CHILD: You kid might be coming under pressure for not being able to get their preparation book, get in touch with their tutor or perhaps they need video content to prepare. IDENTIFY and troubleshoot their content problem by talking to them often.

Satyam Khanna

Educational Consultant